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As the country experiences another spike in COVID-19 cases, states like Wisconsin and Michigan are reporting hospitals at capacity. The pandemic has already caused millions of important surgeries and procedures to be postponed or canceled.

The limited availability of hospital space and the fast transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (which causes COVID-19) has highlighted the importance of reducing hospital acquired infections.

Hospital acquired infections occur when bacteria, viruses and other pathogens spread between patients, or between patients and staff, in a healthcare facility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection on any given day.

Life Balance is working to reduce HAI at hospitals during and after the pandemic. Our SāfAir software allows hospitals to easily analyze air quality conditions and effectively manage their HVAC systems. It streamlines the process for compliance, auditing, and reporting, which helps reduce costs and reduce the spread of airborne infection. Every hospital should be able to reduce HAIs if they confirm that the conditions for patients are satisfactory throughout the hospital.

So how does it work?

The map.
It all starts with the map. SāfAir creates a virtual map of a building’s life safety drawings, which are essentially floor plans that identify life safety and emergency features and are required in almost every public building. The SāfAir virtual map covers almost 100% of a facility’s floor plan, vs. 15-20% for the traditional air balance test.

The data.
With SāfAir, air balance contractors can enter measurements for critical rooms and areas into the virtual map. Once a technician enters data, contractors will receive immediate feedback about whether the room “passes” or “fails” the required standards. This allows technicians to begin balancing rooms faster and eliminates time lags which can lead to increased airborne infection risk. Once the testing and the balancing is complete, SāfAir generates a report, which includes a detailed result from each room as well as the whole building.

The standards.
Life Balance researches established air balance standards and works closely with accreditation agencies, as well as local and federal regulators, during the audits and inspections. Life Balance does not create new standards or enforce the current standards; we ensure that current conditions are in compliance with established standards in order to protect the well-being of everyone who spends time in a public building.

Life Balance Technologies helps hospitals and other companies easily analyze air quality conditions and effectively manage their HVAC systems. By streamlining the process for compliance, auditing, and reporting, we help reduce costs and save lives.