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The coronavirus pandemic brought renewed attention to how susceptible we are to airborne infection. While some diseases are spread through contact with infected fluids or large respiratory particles, viruses like COVID are spread through the air in aerosolized droplets. This means that infection control for these airborne diseases is very difficult to achieve through using only traditional methods such as handwashing. 

As a result of the pandemic, more healthcare organizations and private businesses are considering ways to improve their airborne infection control methods. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, COVID safety practices that we can expect to stick around post-pandemic include virtual services, social distancing, and an increased focus on technology to streamline business processes. 

When businesses and healthcare providers are ready to make long-term adjustments to improve the safety of their facilities and reduce airborne infection risk, Life Balance is here to help. We seek to address gaps in current infection control processes with a revolutionary software solution, called KPac. 

How does the KPac software work?

It all starts with the map. KPac creates a virtual map of a building’s life safety drawings, which are essentially floor plans that identify life safety and emergency features and are required in almost every public building. 

Air balance contractors can enter measurements for critical rooms and areas into the virtual map. Once a technician enters data, contractors will receive immediate feedback about whether the room “passes” or “fails” the required standards. This allows technicians to begin balancing rooms faster and eliminates time lags which can lead to increased airborne infection risk. 

Once the testing and the balancing is complete, KPac generates a report, which includes a detailed result from each room as well as the whole building. The report can be used internally or for periodic compliance filings with accreditation agencies. Life Balance holds the data securely and updates the drawings to account for any structural or regulatory changes.

How can KPac benefit businesses? 

Traditional air balance reports have major gaps that could potentially be putting building occupants at risk. For example, most airborne infection control reports only measure the “critical areas” of a facility—which typically amount to 15-20% of a building. That means that large portions of a facility may not be measured or tracked by these reports, giving a false sense of safety. 

The flaws in the current system are particularly risky in healthcare settings and in facilities that serve elderly or immune-comprimised individuals, such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Where is KPac being used? 

Life Balance has already integrated the KPac software in four hospitals outside of Texas and is looking to onboard Houston area and Austin area healthcare facilities as soon as possible. To learn more about Life Balance’s signature software and whether it is available in your area, reach out today. 

Life Balance Technologies helps hospitals and other companies easily analyze air quality conditions and effectively manage their HVAC systems. By streamlining the process for compliance, auditing, and reporting, we help reduce costs and save lives.